Sunday, 20 April 2014

Online Essay Course For SBI PO Examination 2014

Among the Banking sector, the SBI PO is seen as the most reputed and attractive to the candidates. Thus, no wonder that every year about 15,00,000+ candidates take the SBI PO examination. SBI has released the notification for the recruitment of Probationary Officers (PO) for the year 2014. The exam is tentatively scheduled for June 2014. However, the final date will be announced by the SBI later. This year's SBI PO exam has something special for the candidates, as the number of vacancies, as notified by SBI, are as large as 1837. While...

SBI PO Exam Paper Trend Analysis

SBI PO Exam Paper Trend Analysis SBI Bank PO exam is seen as one of the most sought after exams among the Indian youth. Thus, no wonder that about 15,00,000+ candidates take the exam every year. As per the notification of the exam, it is conducted in two phases: Phase-I- consists of Two separate tests: Objective Test of 200 marks, comprising of 4 sections- English Language, Reasoning, Data Interpretation and General Awareness+Computers+Marketing...

(Syllabus) SBI : Probationary Officers Examination

State Bank of India (Probationary Officers) SBI PO Syllabus Syllabus Divided into three parts 1. Phase-I - Written Examination : Combined duration 3 Hrs. (Objective & Descriptive Type Tests -- Max. Marks - 250) The duration of objective type test will be 2 hours max. marks 200 and will consist of : Test of English Language (Grammer, Vocabulary, Comprehension etc.) Test of General Awareness, Marketing & Computers Test of Data Analysis & Interpretation Test of Reasoning (High Level) The duration of descriptive type test will...

(Download) SBI Probationary Officers (PO) Exam Paper (General Awareness) - 2010

Paper: SBI Probationary Officers (PO) Recruitment Exam 2010 (General Awareness) 1. What is the population of India ? (A) 98 crores (B) More than 2 billion (C) More than 1 billion (D) Less than 96 crores (E) 96 crores 2. Thermostat is an instrument used to_________ (A) measure flow of current (B) measure intensity of voltage (C) regulate temperature (D) regulate velocity of sound (E) None of these 3. Wimbledon Trophy is associated with________ (A) Football (B) Cricket (C) Hockey (D) Basketball (E) Lawn Tennis 4. GNP stands for_________ (A) Gross...

(Download) SBI PO Solved Exam Paper 2008 - General Awareness & Computer Knowledge

SBI PO Solved Exam Paper 2008 - General Awareness & Computer Knowledge 1. Which of the following statement (s) reflects India’s stand on new World Trade Organization’s proposal on the issue of the subsidy to agro products ? (1) India would protect the interest of its poor farmers who can not bear the burden of the cost of the products if they have to sell them on cheaper rate. (2) Indian industry needs more flexibility as compared to the industry in developed countries. (3) WTO has set up a new committee under the chairmanship of Putin of...

(Download) SBI Probationary Officers (PO) Exam Solved Paper (General Intelligence)

Solved Paper: SBI Probationary Officers (PO) Exam (General Intelligence) 1.If GRAMMAR is written as MAMRAGR, the ENGLISH is written as: (a) LIGNSEH (b) GINESHL (c) LGINSEH (d) NHSELGI (e) None of these Ans (c) 2. Which of the following replaces the question mark? MILD : NKOH :: GATE? (a) HCWI (b) HDVQ (c) IBUP (d) HDUR (e) None of these Ans (a) 3. If DBMDVUUB stands for Calcutta, How will you write Bombay? (a) DQUDDXB (b) CPMCBZ (c) DPNCB (d) CPNCBZ (e) None of these Ans (d 4.Insert the word that completes the first word and begins the second Clue:...

(Download) Solved Paper: SBI PO Exam - 2008

Solved Paper: SBI PO Exam - 2008 1. Which of the following statement (s) reflects India's stand on new World Trade Organization's proposal on the issue of the subsidy to agro products ? (1) India would protect the interest of its poor farmers who can not bear the burden of the cost of the products if they have to sell them on cheaper rate. (2) Indian industry needs more flexibility as compared to the industry in developed countries. (3) WTO has set up a new committee under the chairmanship of Putin of Russia to look into the issue of subsidy...

(Download) SBI PO Recruitment Exam Solved Paper - General Awareness

Solved Paper: SBI PO Recruitment Exam (General Awareness) 1. Who was the Prime Minister of Britain when India got Independence? (a) Harold Wilson (b) Lloyd George (c) Chamberlain (d) Clement Atlee Ans : D 2. The Acharya who established in all the four corners of India (a) Ramanuja (b) Sankara (c) Madhava (d) Vallabha Ans : B 3. Sir C.V. Raman was the first Nobel Laureate in Physics from the Indian Sub-continent. Who was the second? (a) Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam (b) Dr.S.S.Bhatnagar (c) Dr.Hargovind Khorana (d) Prof.Abdus Salam of Pakistan Ans : D 4....

(Download) SBI PO Recruitment Exam Solved Paper 2008 - General Awareness & Computer Knowledge

General Awareness/Computer Knowledge 1. Balmiki Prasad Singh has taken over as Governor of _____ (A) Goa (B) Bihar (C) Meghalaya (D) Sikkim (E) None of these Ans : (D) 2. The Paralympic Games in September 2008 were held at _____ (A) Tokyo (B) New York (C) Madrid (D) Stckholm (E) Beijing Ans : (E) 3. Which of the folowing is/are True about the National Rainfed Area Authority (NRAA) which was in news recently? (1) The NRAA was set-up in 1955 at the initiative of the then Prime Minister J.L.Nehru (2) NRAA was established to co-ordinate the work...

(Download) SBI Probationary Officers (PO) Recruitment Exam Solved Paper - April 2008

pril 2008 1. As per the reports in the newspapers what has been the average growth of GDP during 10th plan period (2002-2007) ? (A) 9 % (B) 9.3 % (C) 8 % (D) 8.7 % (E) 7.6 % Ans (E) 2. Which of the following is/are not part(s) of the Union Budget 2008-09 presented in the Lok Sbha in February 2008 ? (1) Defence allocation is increased by 10% to reach more than Rs. 1,00,000 crore. (2) National Rural Guarantee Act is extended to all the rural districts. (3) Debt Waiver Scheme launched to help all farmers irrespective of their land holdings.  ...

(Download) SBI Probationary Officers (PO) Recruitment Exam Solved Paper - July 2008

Solved Paper: SBI Probationary Officers (PO) Recruitment Exam: July 2008 Directions—(Q. 01–10) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words are printed in bold to help you to locate them while answering some of the questions. The yearly festival was close at hand. The store room was packed with silk fabrics. gold ornaments, clay bowls full of sweet curd and platefuls of sweetmeats. The orders had been placed with shops well in advance. The mother was sending out gifts to everyone. The eldest son,...

Saturday, 12 April 2014

GPSC Recruitment 2014 – Apply Online for Assistant Engineer Posts

GPSC Recruitment 2014 – Apply Online for Assistant Engineer Vacancies: Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) has issued another recruitment notification for the recruitment of Assistant Engineer post. Online applications are invited for filling up 57 Assistant Engineer vacancies. Eligible and interested candidates can apply through online mode 30th April 2014. Further details like age limit, educational qualifications, selection process, last date, how to apply and online application form are given below… GPSC Vacancy Details: Organization...

Aeronautical Development Agency Recruitment 2014 - Apply Online

Aeronautical Development Agency Recruitment 2014 - Apply Online Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) recently invite online Application from Indian Nationals Candidates for filling up recruitment posts of Project Engineers on Contract basis in various positions. Eligible Candidates can apply through online mode from 29.03.2014 to 12.04.2014. More detailed information regarding ADA Recruitment are mentioned below.ADA...

TCIL Recruitment 2014 - Assistant Manager Jobs

TCIL Recruitment 2014 - Assistant Manager Jobs Telecommunications Consultants India  Ltd (TCIL) recently invite Application from Indian Nationals for filling up 01 Assistant Manager on Regular Basis. Eligible Candidates can apply through Prescribed Application Format on or before 17.04.2014. More detailed information are provided below.TCIL Vacancy Details:Name of the Post: Assistant Manager (Secretarial & Legal)Total...

SBI Recruitment 2014 Online Application Form

SBI Recruitment 2014 Online Application Form State Bank of India (SBI) invites Online applications from inspiring and intellectual Indian citizens for filling up of the 1837 vacancies of Probationary Officers posts. Eligible and Interested candidates may apply via Online mode before 25 April, 2014. Further details of SBI Recruitment 2014 is mention below.SBI Recruitment 2014 complete vacancy details :Number of vacancies : 1837Name...